Highly Reliable DGPS Coverage in All Conditions

Coastal & Inland Applications

Nautel provides solutions for both coastal and inland Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) applications to enhance the accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS).

Our industry-leading quality, solid-state reliability, 24/7 customer support and 3-year warranty make it the choice of DGPS reference station operators worldwide.

Dramatically Improved System Coverage

DGPS signal coverage can be compromised by antenna effects such as insulator salt build-up or ground plane resistance changes.

Nautel Vector D transmitters for LF/MF DGPS utilize a unique, patented solution to maintain signal strength in the face of these and other undesirable antenna effects.

  • Constant field strength output.
  • Automatic resistance matching for higher availability.
  • Enhanced RSIM compatible remote command/control/monitoring for fewer site visits.
  • Power outputs of 200 W up to 3,000 W.