KENTA delivers complete GMDSS solution for Egypt
Consists of 3 MRCC Control Centers (Alexandria, Port Said and Kossier).
Total project consists of:
- 25 x VHF systems with 4 x 50W Transceivers for Voice & DSC and 1 Duplexer, 4 VHF Antennas
- 4 x kW NAVTEX transmitters with 2 x Antenna Matching boxes and 2x 2:2 Antenna Matrix and 2 NAVTEX receivers including 2 T-antennas
- 10 x 1kW MF/HF transmitters for Voice & DSC, including 2 inverted V MF/HF wideband dipoles and 1 Spiracone antenna
- 2 NAVTEX operator consoles
- 6 Voice operator consoles
- 6 DSC operator consoles
- 3 redundant GMDSS servers
- System installation and commissioning
- Training and maintenance